Linda Gray is a nonprofit and small business consultant with more than 25 years of experience with expertise in small business mentoring, nonprofit start-ups, nonprofit management, grant research and development for community based nonprofits and faith-based organizations. She brings a legacy of community outreach and engagement experience in multiple jurisdictions. Has extensive NeighborWorks training and hands-on experiences from a legacy of volunteerism and community service in both the faith-based and nonprofit community. She is an instructor for Collin Community College for 8 years which she developed the syllabus and curriculum for the Nonprofit Certification Series. helped to establish more than150 start-up nonprofit organizations, guiding them through their initial set-up and launch. Developed, submitted and won $5.5 million in grant awards. She brings extensive community mobilization skills, grant writing and administration experience. Has over 25 years in nonprofit management and assisted hundreds of nonprofit organizations and Churches with technical assistance in order to earn their IRS 501(c)(3) certification.
She has been involved in Community Development Block Grant City programs and HUD Affordable Housing programs. Professional affiliations consist of 20 year Certified Business Mentor for SCORE, Social Enterprise Alliance-Dallas. She has also served as a grant reviewer for the AmeriCORP, US Department of Education, HUD Fair Housing Initiative and the US Department of Justice. Awarded a grant from the Robert Woods Johnson Foundation pilot project called Faith in Action which provided non-medical care for the frail elderly in the their home. In 2007 received the SBA Atlanta District Disaster Perseverance Award for volunteer service during Hurricane Katrina. Founding Board Member International Women Think Tank. Professional affiliations include the Association of Fundraising Professionals, National Nonprofit Minority Association, National Social Enterprise Alliance Board Member (Dallas Chapter) and Certified Business Mentor for the Dallas SCORE Chapter for 20 years, and awarded Dallas Chapter Mentor of the Year in 2016. In 2015 received an Honorary Doctorate in Christian Leadership, member of IOTA Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc.